A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Orphan Age is a life-sim game where you look after a band of orphans in a cyberpunk warzone.

Set against the backdrop of an unforgiving, neon-lit dystopian warzone, your only battle is the fight for survival, scraping out a living in the face of extreme danger. You will guide a band of orphans, each with their own skills, emotions, strengths, weaknesses and fears, through a dangerous and ever-changing city in a bitter struggle for survival.

Constantly balancing risk and reward, you must make the big decisions to ensure the group stays aliveBuild up your base, scavengecraft and explore the city for new recruits, whilst ensuring there are enough supplies to keep going, even when it seems all hope might be lost.

Orphan Age plays as a single player campaign with a lot of replayability inspired by the 4X genre. But there’s a twist!

4X stands for ExplorationExploitationExpansion and Extermination. In Orphan Age, we replace Extermination with Empathy, bending the 4X genre into a 4E.

The city of Orphan Age is ever-changing and procedural. You won't find the same building twice. There are high risks and high rewards when you explore. You can find rare resourcesOrphans to recruit, but you can also get wounded or worse...

Exploration is similar to the expeditions of Fallout Shelter: procedural text adventures. They offer more complexity though, because you have to make decisive choices while you're out of the orphanage.

Hundreds of resources are left to be scavenged in the Orphanage or in the city. They are classified in 6 categories that allow you to eat, drink, take care of wounds and to craft the items and resources you need to build your Orphanage. 

The Orphanage is the place your Orphans call home. The environment surrounding the Orphans greatly affects their moods. Try to keep the rooms lit, warm, furnished and clean for the happiness of all! 

There are 38 different items of furniture to build (beds, playgrounds, science mats, campfire, heaters...) and each one can be upgraded

Research allows you to discover better furniture and improve living conditions for the orphans.

Orphan Age is a deep micro-simulation making each Orphan unique in personality and in gameplay. The Orphans have different ages, set of skills, backgrounds and personality traits. Depending on who they are and how well they are, the Orphans will take different pathsanytime there is an issue to be discussed.



Orphan Age - Demo - Windows (64bit)
Orphan Age - Demo - MacOS
Orphan Age - Demo - Linux

Install instructions

Play with a mouse and a keyboard!

Thanks for playing!

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Development log


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cant download demo is this game left?

the company has cash flow problems don't expect the game to be released any time soon. if they don't succeed to find money soon, they will bankrup. french legal notices https://www.societe.com/societe/studio-black-flag-793709577.html

Awesome game, Cant wait for a full release :) Hopefully its soon

Its not allowing me to download it

Would love to play the full game


I can't wait til this is fully release, its really laggy on the MAC, but I managed somehow lol. Great concept and atmosphere


I really can't wait for this to be fully released! Been waiting since last year or the year before that I believe.

The game is really good! The demo seems really promising, and both the concept and the art are interesting. I'm definitely interested to watch the progress/development and see where else its taken

it won't even let me download the game, i was very excited for this, can you please fix this?

This looks good Can't w8 until it's done and not a demo.

It's insanly laggy. It  takes five minutes to open and switch between scenes. The charactor creating didn't work. My computer is now also lagging after I downloaded it.

I have Windows 10 and I keep trying to launch the game but it keeps crashing

We just have updated the demo, I hope it works now!

It still isn't working for me. Do you guys have a 32bit download?


Can't download

Is this game still being made?

Hi there!

I was so excited when I found this game so I downloaded it on my mac. Shortly after downloading it and opening it a screen appeared saying: "The Application Orphan Age Demo Can't Be Opened." I was wondering if you could find out why its doing this. I even dragged it to my desktop and it still didn't work. Thank you though for creating this wonderful game!


This game is really good, I love it!

I made a youtube video of it, I hope you guys like it! 

Will it ever be completed?



I found your game while scrolling through Itch.io and I've taken quite an interest in your game and was wondering if its possible to make a video out of your game? I'd like to show your game to other people.

Have a nice day!

^ . ^

(1 edit)

Thanks Kimmy! You are 100% free to make a video. We have to update the demo on Itch, it should be live at the end of the day!

Have a nice day too!

Thank you for allowing me to make a video! I'll wait for the update before I play it.

The update is live! Have fun and don't forget to share your video, we can't wait to see it!


hi is the game still being made? :)

(1 edit)

Yes! But the auto update on Itch wasn't working. I'll push the last version today!

none of my games on itch dont work and idk wh

I'm in the process of making the music, then I'll put the game up for download, hope it will fix your issues!

Really enjoying the demo, if I had any gripes it's with the interface. Mechanics and gameplay feel good, but just navigating the interface feels a bit tricky, colour schemes seem to vanish into some areas and the overall size feels like it might benefit from being larger. Minor gripes, really.

very interesting concept and wow AMAZING ARTWORK

hi hi are we closer to public beta yet? :D

Mine downloaded

can't download it on windows 64 bit


I can't download it

Same, i thought it was my computer so i restarted it but it still wont download.

Deleted 107 days ago

I tried windows and max because my brother wanted this game for his computer as well and he has a mac but when i tried both neither of them worked.

Hey! Sorry I missed your message, we are going to update the demo within 10 days, we'll try to fix the issue ASAP! Sorry for the inconvenience...

I cant download it for windows as well :(

didnt work

hiya,how is progress? do we have a possible eta? 

We still aim to release a public Early Access around February or March, we are in Private Beta with our Kickstarter backers right now. :)


Interesting concept, but putting a time limit on the demo is pretty annoying for a game that's still in such early development. If you want people to really test out your game, don't kick them out after a short time. Also, it runs pretty laggy on my computer, which should be able to handle these graphics. Had to turn graphics to lower settings to not have severe input lag.

Windows 10, Intel I5-7300HQ (2.5 GHz, 4-core), 8 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 1050 Ti


As I commented before you have an amazing game going. I probably could let's play like 100 videos of your game. I won't though as, I don't think anybody but, myself would want to see that! I figured a part 2 would be fine though to showcase some more things in your game and, see how I "explored" with the main orphan called Kian.

Thank you very much Raithias ! :D

Deleted 107 days ago

Hi ! On which platform are you on, and with which hardware please ?

Deleted 107 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Just downloaded the Linux version, running Xubuntu 18.04 with nVidia driver running two nVidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti cards in Xinerama mode. First off, the zip file doesn't open a new game directory, of it's own. It would be better if it did. The two binary files wouldn't execute until I issued: "chmod +x" to the file names. Then it opened right up,  after deciding to run the 64bit version, but the mouse wouldn't make anything click to open. The music played just fine. I have 16 gigs of system ram and 8 gigs of total video ram.

Can a log file be generated so I can send it to you?


BTW the mouse cursor works and moves around, it's just that clicking does nothing. Here's what I get on the terminal:

ric@iam:~/Downloads/Orphan$ ./OrphanAgeDemo.x86_64 Xlib:  extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0".
Set current directory to /opt/ric/Downloads/Orphan
Found path: /opt/ric/Downloads/Orphan/OrphanAgeDemo.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/opt/ric/Downloads/Orphan/OrphanAgeDemo_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/opt/ric/Downloads/Orphan/OrphanAgeDemo_Data/Mono/etc'
Preloaded 'ScreenSelector.so'
Preloaded 'libsteam_api.so'
Unable to preload the following plugins:
Player data archive not found at `/opt/ric/Downloads/Orphan/OrphanAgeDemo_Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem
Logging to /home/ric/.config/unity3d/Studio Black Flag/Orphan Age/Player.log


Ahha! Found it in the log file:

"Fallback handler could not load library /opt/Orphan/OrphanAgeDemo_Data/Mono/x86_

It is missing for both 32 and 64bit, I checked.

Hey ! Thank you for your report, I adding this bug in the bugtracker ;)

Wow! That was quick! Thanks. Ric


the game doesn't work after the create a character page, it just crashes

Outch... Can you tell me your spec please ?

what are specs again sorry

Ahah specs is probably not very english, my bad ^^
What platform are you on and what's your hardware ?

the platform that im on is mac but i don't know where to find my hardware

Damn... we do not have tested it on mac, we only know that for most players on mac it works... Have you tried to lower the settings ?


This looks really promising. Wonderful aesthetic and a powerful groundwork for something rich and engaging as far as sims go. I was hoping to feature it on my channel but I unfortunaely couldn't play it for more than a few minutes as the icons and text are way too small for me and the game hurts my eyes. If you ever add an update where we can change the size of the hud elements, I'll definitely come back to it but good job so far!

Thank you tenchfroast for your kinds words, we're currently fixing texts size, and I hope this will be fixed next week !

The text background that explains the permanent traits on the character creation screen makes it very difficult to read them at small text sizes and if you have more than four the background behind the text background makes them impossible to read.


Orphan Age is an, amazing game. There is just so many things Studio Black Flag has done right with this game. The graphics and, atmosphere really paint an amazing scene. The dialog from what I played through was thought out and, fit the theme. They took things we know and, love about games like The Sims but, put their own unique twist on it and, made something truly unique. You won't want to put this game down I, know i'm hooked on this game so far!

Hey Raithias ! Thank you very much for your warm support and for this youtube video !


Hi, im having some trouble with the linux download. first of i cant seem to extract the zip file has it complains about the file not being a valid zip file, and secondly (probably the reason for the first issue) the size of the linux zip file is only 19.8 MiB while the windows version is 613 MiB.

Right now im downloading the windows version and seeing if i can make it work through wine because the game looks great. ^_^


Hey thank you ! I just fixed it, you can now download the linux version ;)


So with the 64bit, everything is all cool at the beginning until I get to the customization screen and start clicking around, everything crashes. I then try the 34bit, and I can't even get to the tutorial/no tutorial screen before it crashes.


same thing this is a game i'd love to try out but, I get the same problems as lazilazuli.

Hey It must be resolved ;)


Does it work on Windows 7?

Yes ! from 7 to 10 ;)


i love the game keep the good work up!

Thank you for your video ! :D


Thank you for the amazing game! i cant wait to see what you do with it!

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